Saturday, April 9, 2011

Boxes and Froyo, ya’ll. Boxes and Froyo.

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The biggest snowflakes I think I have ever seen. | Eating dinner at Da Pineapple Grill. No really, it’s called “Da” and this was the best picture we got. Every time we take a picture, my camera puts a box over brads face and asks, “Did someone blink?” Oh no, he just has small eyes? So you get one brad eye. | Cake batter, Red Velvet, Green Apple, Raspberry, and Vanilla froyo at Kiwi Loco. With everything from cheesecake to nerds. We are not so good at this sort of thing. We’ve been spoiled with Cold Stone. Let us choose from a menu where someone has done the “hard work” of tasting flavor combinations for us, please. We know our place. | Watching one of my favorite movies at Kiwi Loco. Better known to me as, “Nine-ning McKeen Movie…caaar.” Want to know what Madagascar is called? “Maga-dascar..I like to move it, move it.” | The view from the couch. Oh you like my new ottoman? It’s a cardboard box full of Pyrex glassware [fancy] and topped with a pillow. I’ve been watching HGTV, can you tell?

We’re moving on Tuesday. This is the ninth time I’ve moved since I could remember moving. Third time I’ve moved down the street, so what I’m getting as is, I’ve got serious packing skills. Serious enough to put on my resume. Thanks mom and dad!

For your information, I totally impressed Brad with my Draco Malfoy impression the other night. They should have hired me for that character. In fact, maybe I’ll  get into character while moving the perfectly boxed boxes. That’ll really impress him. Skills, people.

hp noodle, snow, pineapple grill 003

Speaking of HP, I was making dinner the other night and found a very special noodle AS Brad was reading Harry Potter. There’s no such thing as coincidence.


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