Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sick Day, Snow Day


So winter finally decided to show us who’s boss and Brad caught a cold. I have a feeling those two go hand in hand. It was President’s day and neither of us had to work. We slept in, cleaned a little, and I gave him a haircut. I made blackberry preserves and wore leggings for 3/4  of the day. Best cozy sick day. I got to take care of him AND spend the whole day with him!

Our day mostly rotated around the movie, soup, emergen-c tea routine…with a little sammies and liar’s dice in the evening. As you can see, I beat him pretty good. Between you and me- He basically handed me his dice, and I gave his competitive side a band-aid in return. I’m only being so harsh because my liar’s dice pride is soaring, considering I never beat him at games. So this puppy post-it was photographed and then the post-it hidden. There may have been threats of ripping it up, some bribes here and there to keep it a secret, but my memory is fuzzy. I won, and I’m proud.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012



Happy Lovey dovey day!

We ate this. Drank Martinelli’s. Baked a heart cake and cake pops. We handmade each others Valentine. Brad printed a 24x36, aka huge picture of this…..

Monday, February 13, 2012

“They do not love, that do not show their love”

Tell your loved ones you love them, not just because it’s near Valentines Day. But because it’s Monday, and you love them no matter the day of the week.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I had a birthday!


And I’m two number two candles old!

I started the day with work. 8:45 to 4:15 not that bad. Bradley made my favorite breakfast. Oats and Honey granola, almond milk and cut strawberries. I was running late and I have my hair to blame. My hair tie snapped, and my first bun wasn’t big enough. I wore my favorite scarf. The coral and cream colored one with gaudy prints of costume jewelry on it. I wore my favorite boots too. The ones I got on my birthday last year.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

January Haps


1. new favie socks 2. favie foods, asparagus, bell pepper, mushrooms sautéed in coconut oil and lemon pepper 3. Brad has been reading all the LOTR books since Christmas and hobbits smoke pipes, therefore Brad new hobby…whittling. He even bought a dremel, so now he’s a super whittler. fyi- those pipes sure are not safe to smoke out of, you know being coated in wood glue and shoe polish haha decoration only. 4. My mother-in-law sent us a Valentines box! Date night in a box! 5. Ghirardelli hot cocoa with freshly whipped cream from a friend. She’s the best workout buddy ever. She kills me in her spin class, then makes up for it with hot cocoa. Last time it was cinnamon rolls. Like I said, best workout buddy ever. 6. Wheat free and dairy free banana dark choco chunk cookies, made perfect with the Kitchen Aid I got for Christmas!